The Heritage Festival, which is scheduled during the third weekend of June, has provided a wide variety of cultural, educational, and entertainment activities that keep in the tradition of Juneteenth. Exhibitors have provided resource information on a variety of topics, such as health issues, social issues, and job opportunities. Vendors have presented art, books, clothes, jewelry, and other wares for sale. Food Vendors have available a wide variety of food for sale, especially the “Juneteenth” foods such as B-B-Q, Fish, and Red Soda. Storytelling, an integral part of the festival, has showcased storytellers from the local Jefferson City Community, Columbia, Detroit Michigan, and Houston Texas. The music component of the festival includes local and out-of-town church choirs, local and visiting musicians, and vocal artists from Columbia, Kansas City, and St. Louis. The artistic and educational aspect of the festival has been fulfilled by the presentation of artist dance and dramatic plays depicting the story and essence of Juneteenth. Artistic historical displays have been very informative and enlightening to festival-goers. Social, Political, and community issue-driven forums have provided residents of the community direct access to selected city, county, and state officials, and community leaders.
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