Who We Are

The Office of Equal Opportunity exists to promote diversity within the state workforce and improve the opportunities for minorities and women to access state employment opportunities and state contracts. OEO works to ensure that there are no vestiges of discrimination against persons on the account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability; not only in employment practices but in the provision of services and the operation of facilities. OEO is also responsible to monitor all departments of the executive branch of state government and assist them to ensure equal employment opportunities and compliance with all applicable employment and anti-discrimination laws. Our office is housed within the  Office of Administration and is defined by Executive Orders  15-06 and  10-24.


The Office of Equal Opportunity aims to cultivate a diverse and inclusive environment for all Missourians by centralizing the state’s workforce diversity programs in order to promote a talented workforce that reflects the rich diversity of the citizens of Missouri and enhance the state’s economy through supplier diversity.


We will champion career opportunities for all individuals and encourage utilization of minority and women owned businesses.

Our Team

Claudia Browner

Acting Director

Kristal White

Deputy Director

Angela Lenczycki

Business Liaison

Dara Sailler

Administrative Assistant

Christina Brazell

Program Assistant

Kimberly Hicks

OEO Specialist

Office of Equal Opportunity


Central Office
301 West High St.
Room 870-B
Jefferson City, MO 65102

Kansas City Office
615 East 13th St.
Suite 529
Kansas City, MO 64106

St. Louis Office
111 North 7th St.
Room 934
St. Louis, MO 63101

Phone: (573) 751-8130