Workforce Diversity Continuum

The Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) has developed the Workforce Diversity Continuum to function as a roadmap for the State of Missouri’s executive departments to see where they are currently in their workforce diversity journey and how they can advance their diversity and inclusion (D&I) efforts.
The Workforce Diversity Continuum has three parts:
The Stages
Along the continuum there are five stages. Each stage includes a description, desired outcomes, and examples of concrete actions. These stages are not steps, but phases along a continuous sequence of advancement to achieve the next stage of outcomes. Departments may take action that falls into any stage at any time, though mastering or fully completing one stage before the next will aid in achieving a sustainable culture of D&I.
Desired outcomes
In order to help departments understand the desired outcome at each stage of the Workforce Diversity Continuum, the gray boxes linking each stage’s description provide the goal your team should aim to achieve before focusing efforts on the next set of opportunities in the following stage.
While this not an exhaustive list, the description of each stage in the continuum includes action item examples. The department will come up with even more ideas for its unique situation, and OEO will be there to help along the way

Organization is meeting EEO legal requirements, but workforce diversity efforts are “ad hoc,” i.e. reacting to fix or change only when necessary
Outcomes: Become intentional in this space and identify D&I champions
D&I becomes a goal at the senior leadership level, but workforce is not yet involved; start learning, surveying and brainstorming
Outcomes: Identify the goals and gaps, the roadmap and responsible parties
Organization is beginning to implement plans and dive into the demographics, policies, procedures, and culture
Outcomes: Involve entire workforce and examine policy through D&I lens
Formalizing D&I into organization’s practices & policy, regular change sessions and all levels of organization living out D&I
Outcomes: Involve D&I in all parts of your department and make positive change
D&I is pervasive in informal culture at all levels with an open challenge for all team members to improve, give feedback and take action
– State and Federal EEO law; ADA
– Executive Order 10- 24
– Workforce Diversity Plan, Statement and Vision
– Appoint D&I Officer
– Communication about D&I coming from leaders
– D&I Training for all levels
– Removing barriers, changing policy, diversifying pipeline
– Affinity groups and team D&I events
– Employee-led initiatives
– Broad sharing of power and responsibility